Name: Sofi

Age: 41

Height: About 5'6"

Weight: About 110 Pounds.

Education: University Graduate

Work: Marketing

Never Married/No Children.

Religion: Russian Orthodox Christian.

Sofi doesn't smoke, drink.

OK if you smoke, be a light drinker.

Sofi lives alone.

Sofi has computer experience, she drives.

Sofi Traveled To Russia, Egypt, Turkey.

Language Skills: Russian

Sofi was referred to us by a fellow female member.

She has a fine reputation in Vitebsk.

She's a beautiful Russian Belarus woman,

with gray eyes, brown hair.

Our crew describe sofi as being an:

"Intelligent, hard working Russian Belarus woman.

Sofi's an old fashion traditional type Belarus woman."

Our Crew Like Sofi.

They Say Sofi Will Make An Exceptional Wife.

Normal Type Woman;

For A Normal Type Guy.

Sofi wants to meet a nice man from any country for love, marriage.

You can be up to about 56 years old.

If you have children that's fine.

Please be a touch person, be a responsible man.

 Our Sofi likes to cook, walk, read.

She also enjoys swimming, watching movies.

Our crew asked Sofi our question:

Why are you a special person?

Why should a man want to spend his life with you in particular?

Sofi said,

"I will respect, love and adore my future husband."

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