Name: Nadya

Age: 34

Height: About 5'4"

Weight: About 116 Pounds.

Education: University Graduate

Work: Marketing Dept. Large Firm Sales.

Never Married/No Children.

Religion: Russian Orthodox Christian

Nadya doesn't smoke or drink.

OK if you smoke, please be a very light drinker only.

Nadya lives alone in her own apartment.

Nadya has computer experience, she doesn't drive.

Nadya Traveled To Russia.

Language Skills: Russian

Nadya was referred to us by our good friend.

Nadya has an excellent reputation.

She's a beautiful woman with green eyes, light-brown hair.

Nadya grew up in an old fashion traditional family.

She's very much what we call an old fashion woman.

Nadya has a good education, job.

She understands what it means to work for a living.

Our crew describe Nadya as being a:

"Humble, respectful person who enjoys,

likes being with people.

She grew up in an old fashion family.

She has old fashion ideas about how,

to treat people with honesty & respect. 

Nadya also has old fashion ideas about family,

marriage, and what those concepts mean in life.

Nadya's not shy, she has a nice sense of humor.

She's a person who lights-up a room,

when she enters with her very friendly personality.

Nadya's very much a touch person.

She likes to show her feelings & emotions."

You can be up to about 63 years old.

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