Name: Ira

Age: 27

Height: About 5'6"

Weight: About 110 Pounds.

Education: Medical University Graduate.

Work: Doctor Of Neurology, Department Head.

Divorced/No Children.

Religion: Russian Orthodox Christian

Ira doesn't smoke, she'll have an occasional glass of wine.

Fine if you smoke, please be an occasional drinker.

Ira has her own apartment, lives alone.

She has computer experience, Ira drives.

Ira Traveled To Turkey.

Language Skills: Russian

Ira and Nina are personal friends.

Ira has an excellent reputation in Vitebsk as we would expect.

She's a knock-down-stunning woman,

blond hair, grey-green eyes.

Ira is the definition of what we call an old fashion woman, a traditional Vitebsk woman.

She was raised in a good family who taught her old fashion values.

Ira has an amazing education & job.

She knows what it means to work for a living, far better than most.

Nina describes Ira as being an:

"Intelligent, witty, humble, self-confident woman who treats people with sincere kindness, respect.

She's a special person, of course Ira thinks before speaking.

Ira's not shy, she's not a loud person either.

She's very much a touch person who enjoys good conversation. 

Ira has no problem opening up and showing her feelings, emotions."

Our Ira would like to meet a sincere man from any country for love,

marriage, to start an fine family together.

You can be up to about 50 years old.

Ira wants a child with her future husband.

You need to be a touch person.

Please be an intelligent guy who enjoys giving,

receiving love & attention from your spouse.

Ira likes to cook, read, bake, sew.

Ira also enjoys travel, camping, swimming.

Our crew asked Ira our question:

Why are you a special person?

Why should a man want to spend the rest of his life with you in particular?

Ira said,

"I promise my love, I will cherish my future husband."

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